Wednesday 8 October 2014

Considerations on Becoming a UK Customs Agent

A UK customs agent has important duties that are related to checking customs documents, searching vehicles and people and documenting any legal action that results from his work. There are some requirements for those who aim to obtain a job as a UK customs agent and also they must have some qualifications that will recommend them for the job. This article presents the main steps that a person who is interested in obtaining this position should follow in order to be accepted in this domain. 

1.      Understand the specifics of the positions that you can apply to

Usually, a candidate is accepted for an inferior position and is offered the opportunity of being promoted after a certain amount of time. He can begin working in this field as an assistant officer or administrative assistant. However, there are situations when candidates are accepted directly on an officer position. 

2.      Requirements regarding nationality exist

Each vacant job has its own characteristics and nationality is no exception. Sometimes, only UK nationals are allowed to be employed on a certain position. Other situations exist too like for example that of Turkish nationals, who can occupy the position only if they have been working in UK for 4 years. 

3.      Educational qualifications depend on the nature of each job

Depending on the nature of each job, some educational qualifications are required. However, sometimes applicants are allowed to take a selection test that makes it possible for your application to be taken into consideration despite the fact that you lack all the necessary documents.

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